经过多个版本的更迭,本月18号SAP2000终于更新到了v19的版本,从官网网页上的宣传来看,这次的更多的是向Perform3D靠拢,似乎官方已经不怎么在意Perform3D的死活了,至今Perform3D仍然停留在v5.0.1的版本。根据CSI的官方页面,这次SAP2000 v19支持了多种滞回模型并且还能够显示能量曲线:
(1) Isotropic model, which dissipates the most energy; this was previously available only for frame hinges.
(2) Kinematic model, typically suitable for metals; this was previously available.
(3) Takeda model for simple degradation; this was previously available.
(4) Pivot model, typically for reinforced concrete; this was previously available for hinges and links but not materials; the reloading behavior has been slightly modified so as to load from the pivot point to the backbone curve along the secant line, rather than along the backbone curve as done previously.
(5) Concrete model, representing compression and tension behavior differently; this is new and similar to the model in Perform-3D; it can also be used in reverse to represent tension-only behavior.
(6) Degrading model, capturing energy and stiffness degradation with kinematic behavior; this is new and similar to the model in Perform-3D.
(7) BRB Hardening model, for representing buckling-restrained braces; this is new and similar to the model in Perform3D. The behavior of the existing models has been improved for the cyclic behavior during strength loss.


这一步表示在安装的过程中生成本地化图片用于提高启动和加载速度,似乎是一个新功能,但是要注意黑体字“需要花费很长时间”。这个功能按照官方的说法是avoid the just-in-time (JIT) compile time,但是官方表示: Systems with later versions of Windows (8.1 and 10) tend to be less affected, and systems that are current with Windows Updates are also less affected. 也就是windows 10可以不用这个选项,但是本着折腾的原则就直接默认了,然后就是下面的情况了:

各种找不到,接近等了好几个小时,最后关闭了这个框,然后安装就被撤销了。所以在此不建议大家在windows8或者windows10上面选择这个选项,完全多此一举。这里我进行了第二次安装,取消了Perform native image generation这个选项,直接安装成功。
